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What Is A Church?

By June 1, 2018August 4th, 20202 Comments

The word “church” in our Western culture has become almost synonymous with the idea of Christianity. If it’s a church, it must be a place where the Abrahamic god is worshipped and pastors lecture from the pulpit on the teachings of the Bible, right?

Maybe not so much.

Merriam-Webster has several definitions for the word “church,” and while a couple still reference Christianity, it is not the main focus of the word. The first definition says, “a building for public and especially Christian worship.” Another definition reads, “a body or organization of religious believers,” and still another, “a public divine worship.” When we remove Christianity from the discussion, we find that the word “church” really means, “a place for public, group worship of the divine.”

This is the spirit in which Lansing’s new Weavers of the Web was born. Founded in 2018 by Solinox Silverstar, Weavers of the Web’s mission statement is “to provide the community support and public ritual structure so that all Wiccans can celebrate and worship together, at all ages and stages of life.” Weavers is a Wiccan church, founded on the principles established by the Aquarian Tabernacle Church.

Wiccan church, you say?

The unit of organization usually associated with Wicca is the coven, a close-knit group of initiates. Everybody within a coven is generally an initiate, working on their own path toward priesthood. Everybody is involved in studying the Craft and in working magick, and (theoretically, at least!) everybody is working toward their own elevations and eventual priesthood.

Where does that leave those who believe in Wiccan deities and principles, but who do not have the calling to become clergy themselves? What about the other elements of a church community, the social group that provides support through rough times and celebration of good times? What about children, who are not old enough to initiate but want to share in the celebrations of their family’s faith? That is where the Wiccan church comes in.

Solinox Silverstar, founder and High Priestess of Weavers of the Web, grew up in Christian churches as did many Pagans of her generation. She continued to attend different Christian churches for a couple of years after admitting that she did not believe in the religion itself. She wanted to belong to the group, to go to the youth group field trips and participate in the choir, to have someplace to go once a week where people knew here and welcome her. Ever since then, Solinox has had a vision of creating this kind of community for Wiccans … a Wiccan church.

Do you want to participate in a Beltaine or Samhain celebration, but don’t have the resources or experience to put on your own and don’t know how to join a local coven? Do you have kids, and can’t imagine bringing them to an adult-oriented ritual? Come on out; at a church, celebrations are always open to the public of all ages. Do you want to learn more about Wicca and magic, but don’t have the time or inclination to initiate and spend years in study? Come on out; the church’s Community Night events provide Wicca 101 basic instruction and offer opportunities for working rituals, meditations, and more. Looking for somebody to officiate at a wedding or handfasting? Come on out; that’s what the church’s clergy are here for. Are you interesting in taking the step to become clergy yourself? The church can provide that as well.

Are you looking for a place that offers you the opportunity to belong, to practice and celebrate your Wiccan faith? Look no further than your local Wiccan church.

Solinox Silverstar is the High Priestess of Weavers of the Web, ATC, a second-degree priestess in the WISE-ATC tradition, a teacher at the Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary, the Editor of Wicca Press, and the owner of Keys To Manifestation. A talented ritualist and teacher, Solinox is dedicated to strengthening and growing local pagan community. A self-educated polymath and pursuer of strength and independence in mind and body, Solinox is a Lokean libertarian homeschooling mother of six who loves her husband of 27 years, knitting and crochet, science fiction and fantasy, and large quantities of coffee.


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