Join us for a beautiful Full Moon ritual centered on the theme of “Community.” Explore the dynamic interplay of knowledge and passion as we delve into our individual spiritual toolboxes, uncovering the unique gifts we bring to our community.
Join us online or in-person every Wednesday evening for discussions, rituals, meditations, and more! Bring your own experiences and knowledge to share, learn something new, and worship in sacred space.
Click here to join the Zoom call.
Our Wednesday night groups start at 6:00pm for some social time. At 6:30, we go live on YouTube for our main event. Once we finish up with our formal activities and stop streaming, we usually keep the Zoom call going a bit for more social time as folks head out.
Can’t make it live? Secure recordings of our discussions are available to Patreon subscribers at the Bobbin level and above, and ritual recordings are available at the Balanced level and above.
For ritual nights, if you are joining us from home be sure to set up your ritual space at home with candles, incense, and any other sacred tools or music.