This workshop is being presented at ConVocation 2023. For more information, visit www.convocation.org.
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to Draw Down the Moon, or to speak with the Voice of a Deity? Learn about the different levels and types of invocation and possession, how to invoke a Deity or elemental yourself, how to be sure you are contacting the spirit that you intend, and what safeguards are needed to ensure a good experience for all concerned.
Lord Solinox Silverstar is a third-degree priestx in the WISE-ATC tradition, the founder of Lansing’s Weavers of the Web, ATC, a graduate and teacher of the Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary, and the owner of Keys To Manifestation in Lansing. A talented ritualist and teacher, Solinox is dedicated to strengthening and growing local pagan community. A self-educated polymath and pursuer of strength and independence in mind and body, Solinox is a Lokean libertarian homeschooling mom of six who loves their husband of 28 years, knitting and crochet, science fiction and fantasy, and large quantities of coffee.