This ritual is being presented at ConVocation 2023. For more information, visit www.convocation.org.
Release the bonds that tie you to a past that no longer serves, and find love and comfort along with the courage to move on. Lilith and Samael know the pain of being rejected, and how to overcome and triumph in the face of terrible odds. Let them help you break the bonds of abuse and mistreatment, so you can learn to love yourself and walk tall in your own strength. This ritual will include simulated bindings, soft confinement, and an opportunity for venting and release. After care will be available.
Weavers of the Web, ATC, is a public Wiccan church in the WISE tradition. Founded in 2018 by Solinox Silverstar, Weavers aims to provide safe space for worship and practice for all pagans in the mid-Michigan area, ensuring that no-one need ever be alone in their spiritual needs. Weavers of the Web provides weekly discussion groups and regular Sabbat rituals, all open to the public, as well as educational and training opportunities for those who desire to learn more. Weavers clergy, trained at the Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary and ordained by the Aquarian Tabernacle Church, are available for weddings, funerals, and other rites of passage. Their Temple Project is currently raising funds to purchase permanent property for a pagan temple in Lansing. Learn more at www.weaversoftheweb.org.