Join Weavers of the Web at ConVocation 2024 for a fun and exciting ritual for all ages as we learn how to use a wand in sacred space! Each attendee will get to make their own ribbon wand as we talk about the history and usage of wands in ritual and magick. Then we’ll put our wands to use in a special ritual to give our auras an energetic bath! We mean it when we say all ages are welcome, whether you’re young in body or young in spirit!
- Wand Making Workshop: Create your own wands with ribbons, gems, and other creative materials while learning about the history and usage of wands in witchcraft.
- Ritual Consecration: Take your freshly minted wand and immediately put it to work in ritual space, as we bless and consecrate our wands in a classic Wiccan ritual.
Bring your creative inner child and be thinking of a name for your new magickal tool!
This workshop is presented as a part of ConVocation 2024. Registration for ConVocation is required to attend and participate. For more information and to register, visit ConVocation.org.