This workshop is being presented at ConVocation 2023. For more information, visit www.convocation.org.
There are many variations on how to cast a circle and call quarters. Learn what makes the Circle a ‘tween space for men and Gods; how the Elements strengthen, balance, and protect the Circle; why different traditions use different elements and assign them to different directions; and the ceremonial and ritual history behind our modern casting practices.
Lord Solinox Silverstar is a third-degree priestx in the WISE-ATC tradition, the founder of Lansing’s Weavers of the Web, ATC, a graduate and teacher of the Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary, and the owner of Keys To Manifestation in Lansing. A talented ritualist and teacher, Solinox is dedicated to strengthening and growing local pagan community. A self-educated polymath and pursuer of strength and independence in mind and body, Solinox is a Lokean libertarian homeschooling mom of six who loves their husband of 28 years, knitting and crochet, science fiction and fantasy, and large quantities of coffee.